
Readers Continue to Value Related Articles above other website features: New Survey Results

A new survey has found that related articles are still the most popular feature of scholarly websites. The survey, “How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications”, has polled researchers every three years since 2005 with questions about their behavior in the discovery of journal articles and video. The latest survey,…

How Readers Discover Content in scholarly journals: New Survey Launched

A new study of the behavior of scholarly researchers has been launched, aiming to map the changing nature of how readers from all over the world find academic content. The latest survey follows on from work undertaken every three years since 2005, and an upcoming report will provide an update…

Announcing a new study: How Readers Discover Content, 2018

Guest post by: Bert Carelli, Director of Partnerships at TrendMD Rapidly evolving technologies and social trends may affect the ways that readers keep up with an ever-increasing flood of scholarly information. Researchers, libraries, authors, publishers, and other stakeholders need to understand how readers find and access online journals, books, and…