
Articles in the TrendMD network enjoy an enduring citation increase over 36 months, according to a recent follow-up study.

Citations are the leading indicator of scholarly impact, yet there are few evidence-based ways to increase the citation rate of peer-reviewed articles. Data suggests that 35% of articles published between 1990 and 2015 remain uncited, a figure that might continue to grow. [1] The enormous increase in published scholarly literature…

Readers Continue to Value Related Articles above other website features: New Survey Results

A new survey has found that related articles are still the most popular feature of scholarly websites. The survey, “How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications”, has polled researchers every three years since 2005 with questions about their behavior in the discovery of journal articles and video. The latest survey,…

Get Creative with Content Marketing!

Write-up on Silverchair Webinar, February 2021 What can scholarly publishers do to engage more readers, attract submissions, and raise awareness of events? “What’s working?” asked TrendMD Director of Partnerships, Bert Carelli, in the recent Silverchair Universe webinar, “Content Marketing for Scholarly Publishers.” Bert invited two experts in scholarly communications…