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How does TrendMD work?

TrendMD powers a recommendation widget, which is free for content providers (such as publishers) to install on their website(s). This widget generates recommendations for readers based on their reading habits, allowing for content providers to increase the discoverability of their content. Clicking on the link might take the reader to another article within the same publishers' website(s) - or to a third-party website owned by a different publisher altogether.

Each click on a link that directs a reader outside the host publishers’ website(s) earns the host publisher a new visitor back to their site in return.

Here’s a concrete example, from the reader perspective:

  1. JAMA publishes an article about respiratory disease and would like to promote it. They set a weekly budget, and the article is disseminated through TrendMD’s network.
  2. Meanwhile, you’re reading a different article on respiratory disease in The BMJ. Since The BMJ has the TrendMD widget installed, it tells you that you might also be interested in the first article published by JAMA.
  3. You click the link. Your click “costs” one credit, which is deducted from JAMA’s credit balance. The BMJ receives a half credit which can then goes towards redistributing their own content—and JAMA enjoys the increased exposure and site traffic.